Gyroplane Discovery Flight: $100 Flat Rate
Gyroplane Discovery Flights are provided in our AutoGyro MTO Sport Aircraft. The base price of $100 includes approximately 90 minutes of total time, which includes ground preparation. The actual flight time will be approximately 30 minutes or less. Price includes Aircraft, Fuel, Instructor and Insurance.
The passenger has the option of remaining within the airport flight pattern and performing several takeoffs and landings, or departing the airport flight pattern and exploring a bit. The most common flight itinerary includes one or two landings at the airport, and a 'half circle' flight around the Frederick area, with views of downtown Frederick and some open spaces.
Additional flight time may be added, simply to extend the experience, or to fly over a particular landmark. Custom flights would be billed at the instructional engine running rate of $200 per hour. Time is billed according to the Engine Running time, referenced by the HOBBS Engine Meter.
The Instructor's Ground time, associated with a particular flight, is not charged. This includes the coordination time, pre-flight planning, pre-flight inspections, aircraft servicing, briefings with the passenger, and post-flight duties. A liability waiver must be signed prior to flight.
Group discounts of 15% can be applied with multiple, individually flown, passengers during the same time period. Show up together, ask questions, take selfies, and fly one at a time. Discounts do not apply to multiple custom flights.

Gyroplane Flight Instruction: $200 per engine hour
Gyroplane Instruction is provided in our AutoGyro MTO Sport Aircraft. Time is billed according to the Engine Running time, referenced by the HOBBS Engine Meter. Price includes Aircraft, Fuel, Instructor and Insurance.
The Instructor's Ground time, associated with a particular flight, is not charged. This includes the coordination time, pre-flight planning, pre-flight inspections and servicing, briefings with the passenger/student and post-flight duties. A liability waiver must be signed prior to flight.
Your first flight with us will always be from the rear seat. The Flight Instructor will determine when you are ready to begin flying from the front seat.

Gyroplane Flight Instruction, in your aircraft. : $100 per engine hour
Gyroplane Instruction provided in YOUR Gyroplane Aircraft. Time is billed according to the Engine Running time, referenced by the HOBBS Engine Meter. Price includes Instructor only. You must provide Aircraft and Fuel. Proper aircraft documentation and registration is required. Proof of Insurance is required. A liability form, absolving the instructor of any damage liability, must be mutually signed.
The Instructor's Ground time, associated with a particular flight, is not charged. This includes the coordination time, pre-flight planning, pre-flight inspections and servicing, briefings with the passenger/student and post-flight duties.
The provided Gyroplane must be completely flight tested, with a current Airworthiness Inspection.

Gyroplane Ground Instruction : $50 per hour
This rate does not apply to ground duties associated with a specific flight, which is gratis.
This rate applies to scheduled one-to-one ground instruction, related to the pursuit of a flight certificate. The amount of time is generally pre-coordinated, with a sylabus used as a guideline.

Gyroplane Flight Endorsement :: Flight Time + $100
For current licensed pilots, pursuing their Sport Gyroplane add-on rating, this is the charge for the final/2nd endorsement. Flight time is charged as above ($200 per hour in our machine, or $100 per hour in yours), plus an additional $100 for ground evaluation and online IACRA duties.

Gyroplane Entended Discovery Flight: $200 per Engine hour, plus Lunch.
Extended Gyroplane Discovery Flights are provided in our AutoGyro MTO Sport Aircraft. Price includes Aircraft, Fuel, Instructor and Insurance.
The experience is essentially a cross country training flight, and charged at the same rate of dual flight instruction. It is offered as a more in depth 'day in the life' experience, as described in the DISCOVERY page.
Because the instructor does not charge for ground time, you will also pay for his reasonable breakfast/lunch. Thanks!

Travel Expenses and Minimim Daily Charges
We are willing to travel to you to provide instructional services in your aircraft. See above the entries for flight instruction fees.
Travel Expense to include Airfare, Airport Parking, Ground Transportation, Meals and Lodging. All of it will be pre-negotiated so there are no surprises for you. Our tastes are simple overall. Basic Fairfield Marriot or Holiday Inn Express type hotels are fine. We love cheap local dive restaurants with good food.
If we drive, the Government mileage rate of $0.55 per mile applies.
The minimum daily charge for a day away from home is $250, whether we fly for 2 1/2 hours or not.