The Gyroplane (also known as autogyro, autogiro, gyrocopter, or rotaplane) obtains lift from an unpowered rotor spinning in autorotation. Thrust is obtained from an engine-powered, rear-mounted pusher-style propeller. Although it looks similar to a helicopter, the air flows in the opposite direction, UP through the autogyro’s rotor disc to generate rotation and lift. A combination of relative forward motion, and descent, must be maintained to keep air moving up through the rotor blades, maintaining the load on the rotor at all times.
Our AutoGyro MTO Sport will help you experience a whole new level of flying freedom. The small and nimble design is highly manuverable, and allows you to fly low and precisely. The open canopy allows for unobstructed 270-degree views which are great for sightseeing and photography.
The gyroplane flies with very special and unique characteristics, making it one of the safest aircraft ever.
In comparison to fixed-wing aircraft, gyroplanes have the following benefits:
No stalling, no tailspin
Minimum takeoff distances (50 ft to 300ft)
Minimal landing distance required, usually less than 30 ft
Extreme low airspeed possible
Minimal set-up times
Minimum storage space required (4 per T Hangar)
Comfort and Safety, even in strong winds and turbulence
Large speed range
About 10% of the acquisition and operating costs of a helicopter